Lowongan PT Delion Citra Dinamika Terbaru Lampung November 2012 - PT Delion was established as a flavor manufacturing company in 1986. With innovation and commitment, we are a leading local flavor manufacturer in Indonesia. Our company has achieved rapid growth and expansions within few years. The latest expansion was in 2005 with a new factory built in an exclusive industrial site. Located in a clean and friendly environment, the new plant is designed with modern concept and streamline production system. Our new and spacious production plant is thoroughly hygienic and under strict microbiological control. The factory is also equipped with cutting-edge manufacturing facilities, which allow us to develop and produce high quality products.
Untuk area: Lampung
- Laki-laki, usia max 27 thn
- Min. Diploma dari berbagai jurusan
- Pengalaman minimal 2 thn dalam motivasi dan supervisi tim sales di industri FMCG
- Memiliki keahlian komunikasi dan negosiasi yg baik
- Pekerja keras, jujur, mandiri dan bisa bekerja dalam tim dengan ruang lingkup kapasitas kerja yg cepat
- Menguasai area distribusi di masing-masing area penempatan
- Memiliki SIM A & SIM C
- Menguasai Microsof Office
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