Lowongan Guru Terbaru April 2013: Sekolah Global Surya - Teachers Required at Global Surya National Plus School. If you have love of children, passion for teaching, the ability work independently and in a team, young, full of spirit and experience, we are opening an opportunity for you to join our team in Nurturing Future Leaders.
1. Kindergarten (KGT)
- Graduate from PG TK / S1 English Education Department
- Graduated from reputable university
2. Elementary & Junior High School
a. English Teachers (ET)
b. Mathematics Teachers (MT)
c. Science Teachers (ST)
d. Computer Teachers (CT)
e. Physical Education (PE)
f. Indonesian Teachers (IT)
Please send your application (direct or y post) to:
Ketua Yayasan Global Surya School
Alamat: Jl. St. Jamil No. 1 Gedungmeneng, Bandar Lampung
(Belakang Harian Tribun Lampung)
We received your application not lather than 2 weeks after this advertisement.
Sumber informasi lowongan kerja: Lampung Post, 8 April 2013
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