Lowongan Installer PT. Java Cell Terbaru 2013 - PT. Java Cell is an established contractor for
“Telecommunication Engineering Services” based in Jakarta. We have Project Offices in Central Java, East Java, West Java and North Sumatera area.
In order to response our growth challenge, we currently need employees to fill in the position of :
- Laki-laki, usia 18 - 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimum SMU/SMK (terutama jurusan Teknik Elektro/ Teknik Telekomunikasi.
- Lebih diutamakan mempunyai pengalaman 1 tahun di bidang yang sama
- Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan melamar
- Bersedia ditugaskan keluar kota
- Bersedia kerja lembur pada hari biasa maupun pada hari libur
- Berbadan sehat, bisa bekerja sama, cepat menguasai pekerjaan
- Untuk penempatan Lampung
Interested applicants should send their application letter, detail CV and recent photograph to:
PT. Java Cell
Plaza Aminta, 4th Floor Suite 403
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 10, Jakarta Selatan 12310
Or by e-mail to:
cc mega.desniandri@javacell.com
Qualified candidates will be contacted by phone or e-mail for further interview.
JobsDB.com, tanggal rilis 23 Juli 2013.
Profil PT. java*Cell:
PT. java*Cell is a leading Cellular Communication based services and solution provider located in Indonesia with wide national presence in Sumatra, Java and Bali-Nusra. PT. java*Cell has been always keen to develop and deliver excellent project result, aiming to meet the expected and reliable quality of delivery. PT. java*Cell is your partner in Telecommunication Services in Indonesia. We help you boost your productivity and succeed in an increasingly challenging telecom business by utilizing our experienced talent.
PT. java*Cell is a private owned company, establish in Jakarta since 2001. As a company who established by engineers, and management staff with experience in both troubleshooting and roll out project management, this unique combination of expertise is reflected in the project deliverables that have both quality and time schedule in it.
The company employs more than 200 motivated individuals inspired by the experienced senior management. The company’s principal office is located in Plaza Aminta 4th floor, Jl. TB. Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia. All operations, from administration to sales take place in this location. As part of the convergence between Telecommunication and IT, PT. java*Cell also signed partnership with Zenprise as best Mobile Device Management Company in the world and also setting up the application business.
Sumber: http://javacell.com/home.html
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