Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Hotel Emersia Lampung - Emersia Hotel adalah sebuah hotel ternama di Lampung, sedang membutuhkan karyawan professional guna menempati posisi sebagai:
1. Supervisor Housekeeping (SpvHK)
2. Supervisor F&B Service (SpvFBS)
3. Supervisor Engineering (SpvENG)
4. Floor Supervisor (Cf)
5. Chief Houseman (Ch)
6. Coordinator Training & Develop HR (HRC)
7. Coordinator Legal & Security (HLC)
8. Capt. Waiter (Cw)
9. Chef de Party (CDP)
10. Senior Cook (Sc)
11. Cook (Cook)
12. Ass. Cook (AsCook)
13. Roommaid (Rb)
14. Public Area (Pa)
15. Crew Engineering (Ce)
16. Waiter/Waitress (Ww)
- Age max. 25 yo. Rb, Pa, Ce, AsCook, Ww
- Age max. 35, yo: SpvHK, SpvFBS, SpvENG, Cf, Ch, HRC, HLC, CDP, Sc, Cook, Cw
- Educational Background:
a. Diploma/Bachelor (Tourism/Hotel): SpvHK, SpvFBS, SpvENG, Cf, Ch, CDP, Sc, Cook, Cw
b. SMIP (Tourism/Hotel): Rb, Pa, Ce, AsCook, Ww
c. Diploma Bachelor (Psikologi/Hukum): HRC, HLC.
- Experience minimum one (1) years
- Good performance and attitude
- Good command in English (written and oral)
- Good communication skill and quest oriented
Please send your application within two weeks to:
PO BOX 1125/BDL/35000
Email: hrm@emersiahotel.com
See our profile at: www.emersiahotel.com
Sumber: Tribun Lampung, 7 September 2013
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