Lowongan Production Breeding Farm PT Super Unggas Jaya - Closing Date: 6 Oktober 2013 - In 1997, CJ Indonesia venture into the chicken breeding business in response to the growing demands for healthy, hight quality chick. CJ Indonesia established it's first breeding farm and hatchery with a production cpacity of 20 milion day old chick per year in Ngembal, Tutur East Java, under the company name PT. Super Unggas jaya concentrating on high performance with all aspects of the breeding operations, PT. Super Unggas Jaya branded its product as "Superchicks". As the demand for its high quality chicks grew in the major poultry producing areas arround the country, PT.Super Unggas Jaya Embark on a systematic expansion in 1999 and has, to his writing, established nine other poultry breeding operation in East Java. West Java, and East Kalimantan with a total production capacity 54 milion day old chicks per year eventualy, CJ Indonesia envisions its expansion in all aspects of the poultry breeding, and Poultry meat processing.

We are a multi national company in poultry industry is seeking a high qualified candidate to fill the position of :
Production Breeding Farm (FOREMAN-SPV FARM)
- Pria
- Maksimum usia 25 tahun
- Lulusan Fakultas Peternakan D3/S1 (Fresh Graduated / Pengalaman)
- Memiliki minat bekerja di breeding farm
- Memiliki pengetahuan pemeliharaan Parent Stock
- Mengetahui vaksinasi dan medikasi program
- Mampu mengoperasikan computer
- Jujur, dinamis, enerjik, asertif dan memiliki kemampuan memimpin (leadership)
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan komunikasi yang baik.
- Bersedia tinggal di mess
- Penempatan di Jawa Barat, Lampung (Sumatera)
- Untuk posisi di Lampung diharapkan dari lulusan Peternakan di daerah pulau Sumatra terutama Lampung
- Untuk yang bersedia di Lampung akan diproritaskan
Please send your application to : hrd_suja@cj.co.id or ayatullah.ms@cj.co.id
Source: Jobstreet.co.id
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