Terms of Reference Consultant for Baseline Survey Sustainable Sanitation & Hygiene for All (SSH4A) in Sumatra Barat and Lampung -
Closing Date: 13 October 2013SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.
SNV is starting up an urban sanitation and hygiene programme in 4 locations in Sumatra Barat and Lampung: Padang Pariaman, Sijungjung,
Pringsewu and Lampung Selatan. The programme is part of SNV’s regional urban sanitation programme “Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All”, which is currently running in Nepal and Bhutan. In Indonesia, the Sustainable Sanitation and Hygiene for All (SSH4A) programme aligns with the Percepatan Pembangunan Sanitasi Permukiman programme ( PPSP) of the Indonesian governments.
PPSP’s has rolled the city sanitation strategies to all towns and cities nationwide by 2014, supporting local governments to prioritize sanitation and address key issues. The program is led by Bappenas in collaboration with MOHA, Health (MOH) and Public Works (MPW).
The SSH4A programme supports the implementation of the city sanitation strategies in the above mentioned locations. The programme works on 4components plus one learning component:
- Sanitation demand creation and behavioural change
- Sanitation services and business development
- Governance
- Treatment, disposal and re-use
- Analysis, dissemination and learning
At the implementation level, which is the district level, SNV works closely with the local development planning and agency (BAPPEDA), the health sector (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten, Dinkes Kabupaten or District Health Office, DHO), the public works (Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, Dinas PU, or Public Works Office, PWO), the cleaning and landscaping services sector (Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan), and the environment office (Badan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah, BLHD).
Preparation for the SSH4A programme in Indonesia started in April 2013. The programme will start implementation in January 2014. A baseline has been planned at the end of 2013. Currently SNV seeking a consultant to conduct the baseline study.
1. Objective of the consultancy
To design, prepare, conduct and complete the baseline survey in the 4 locations of the programme including the final report by 6th of January 2014.
2. Activities
The baseline will consist of a stratified household survey measuring basic wealth information and sanitation and hygiene indicators as defined in the SSH4A results framework. The baseline will use asset based wealth ranking, using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), as is used in the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS survey) for Indonesia.The SSH4A results framework addresses different aspects of the sanitation value chain, namely access to toilets, maintenance, quality of septic tanks, maintenance and disposal. It also included key hygiene behaviours namely hand washing with soap and menstrual hygiene behaviour. Indicators will be measured for all type of premises (residential, commercial, and institutional).The consultant will be able to build upon existing questionnaires developed in the other countries as well as the wealth index of the MICS for Indonesia.
The following are indicative activities:
- Familiarize with the programme and result framework
- Analysing and understanding the MICS wealth index for Indonesia and PCA
- Plan, design and organise the survey
- Recruitment and training of enumerators
- Review, test and adjust survey questionnaires
- Conduct survey, data entry, processing and analysis
- Draft report and presentation
- Final report addressing the comment
3. Deliverables
The Consultant is expected to deliver a comprehensive and high quality baseline report but not limiting to above mentioned objectives and outputs:
- Inception report demonstrating understanding of the result framework and wealth index, and presenting the overall work plan- due one week after signing the contact
- Detailed survey plan
- Tested and adjusted questionnaires
- Draft report and database
- Presentations (to SNV internal and then to local partners at provincial level)
- Final report (including digital & hardcopy of data collected & analysed and any other documents or data collected for the study)
4. Duration of consultancy
The baseline survey needs to be completed within four 2 months from the date of signing the contract.
5. Requirements
- Demonstrated experience in designing and conducting household surveys.
- Demonstrated experience and background in statistical data analysis.
- Experience with asset based wealth ranking and PCA analysis is preferred
- Basic understanding of WASH and urban sanitation and hygiene issues in Indonesia
- Capacity to relate and interact appropriately with local partners
- Experience in working in an urban context is an asset
6. Application
This ToR is guided by SNV’s General Terms and Conditions. The proposed experts for undertaking assignment cannot be changed during the study period without prior approval of SNV. Based on the ToR, individuals or national NGOs or consultancy firms are requested to submit their proposals. The proposal should include:
- The organization’s capacity statement
- A proposed sound methodology, schedule of activities, profile of the key team members, and description on how to manage the data collection process (including number of enumerators, supervisors, and data entry staff)
- Financial proposal
The deadline date of the proposal submission is Sunday,
13 October 2013.The proposal assessment, selection and appointment will done in the week of 14th of October 2013 and announcement is made accordingly.
The proposal can be sent by email to Susy Soenarjo (email: SSoenarjo@snvworld.org ) and Sartika Simanjuntak (email: Ssimanjuntak@snvworld.org)
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