KarirLampung.com - Lowongan Kerja PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri Lampung
Profil PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri
PT SWAKARYA INSAN MANDIRI is committed to provide employment for a wide range of public, while helping companies to stay focus on their core business. PT SWAKARYA INSAN MANDIRI is founded as your company’s strategic partner. With nationwide spreading, IT and qualified human resources as our main strength, we are the best solution on your resources management issues.
Established 1st August 2007, PT Swakarya Insan Mandiri strengths as follows:
- Wide coverage area in all big cities in Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke.
- Reliable human resources management.
- Integrated IT system, online, and reliable in all our branch coverage which serves as our main operational activities.
- High competency in dealing with labor dispute.
Those strength values have made us The Best Solution for Human Capital.
Logo PT. Swakayra Insan Mandiri |
By outsourcing your supporting business, the competitive value of your company will become much better than any other companies in prioritizing your core business. We provide following services:
- Labor Outsource
- Recruitment Services
- Payroll Services
- IT Services
- Industrial Law Consultation
SIM provides services in various types of industry in order to fulfill the demands for outsourcing employees, such as:
- Multifinance
- Banking
- Automotives
- Malls
- Airlines
- Media
- Property
- Mining & Exploration
- Engineering
- Other services
(Source: www.sim.co.id)
JL.ZA. Pagar Alam No.1 Blok 7 Ruko Labuhan Ratu Centre (Telp: 0721-702674)
Open Recruitment:
Salah satu cabang PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri ada di Lampung. Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai:
- Marketing Credit Executive (MCE) | Expired Date: 17 Juli 2014 | APPLY Lamaran
- Kolektor | Expired Date: 17 Juli 2014 | APPLY Lamaran
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