Lowongan Instructor Central Student Services Lampung Terbaru Januari 2013 - CENTRAL Student Services is a company works in Education field, Study overseas (Australia, Singapore, Canada, Malaysia, Newzealand, etc), IELTS Preparation and Talents Spectrum.
Instructor (IELTS)
Deskripsi Pekerjaan:
We need an IELTS instructor preparing to IELTS test.
1. Teaching IELTS preparation SMA Students
Persyaratan / Kualifikasi:
Requirements would be
1. Male or Female
2. D3 or S1 Certificate Holder
3. Minimum 1 year of experience
Batas Terakhir Lamaran: 21 Januari 2013
Tata cara Pengajuan Lamaran:
Salary is negotiable based on experience background
Please send your details and resume to contact given below;
To :
Cc :
Subject : Job Application
Please take note that details and resume must be with attached photograph and expected sallary.
For those who meet the requirements and able to meet the responsilibities criteria are welcome to apply.
For your information, your first day would be on 21th January 2013.
Candidate which meet our requirement would be contacted by phone or e-mail and required to attend the Training Program before 21th January 2013.
Our Office located at
Jl. Diponegoro No. 81 D
(Next To Marcopolo Hotel)
Telepon 0721-9068 576
Bandar Lampung
(We regret that we will not be able to respond to all applicants as only shortlisted applicants will be notified.)
Sumber informasi lowongan kerja: Central Student Services via
form aplikasi tanggal 13 Januari 2013
Semoga informasi
Lowongan Kerja Lampung Terbaru yang kami sajikan ini bermanfaat dan bisa membantu mengurangi jumlah pengangguran di Lampung.